2024 Team Leader Application

June 3rd-6th | This application form is for a Team Leader position at POWER CAMP, June 3rd-6th. Any person(s) desiring to serve at camp and having completed 7th grade or higher MUST complete this form. This form MUST be completed by the APPLICANT and CANNOT be completed by a parent, sibling, friend or person other than the applicant.

Dear Team Leader Applicant,

      Thank you for your interest in serving at Power Camp! Power Camp is a faith-based day camp, aimed at using sports and the arts as an avenue for sharing the Gospel with children. Our vision is to create an opportunity to connect with our community and reach children with the truth of God’s love.  We want to see a dedicated community of believers using their gifts and abilities to glorify God through sharing the Gospel.
     Power Camp will be held from June 3rd-6th, 2024, at Tuscarora Inn and Conference Center in Mount Bethel, Pa.  The Camp is for children who have just completed 1st grade through 6th grade.  Each day, campers will be dropped-off at the Auditorium between 8:30-9:00am and picked-up at either 3:00 or 5:00pm.  The day will consist of open recreation, large-group sessions and games, sports clinics, lunch, small-group time, team competitions and guest speakers.  This year, the camp will offer basketball, soccer, tennis, drama and crafts electives.

     This event will be sponsored by Mount Bethel Church as a non-profit, fundraiser for the Youth Group.  As such, the role of the Team Leader is vital to the success of the camp.  As a Team Leader, you will be responsible for a group of 8-10 boys or girls of similar age to lead each day through the various scheduled activities.  You will not only be sharing the Gospel with them each day as you lead them in a small group, but you will be responsible for showing and sharing the love of Christ through your actions and example!  The sports clinics, competitions and speakers roles are, in some ways, secondary to the importance of our Team Leaders- YOU have the most potential for impact!
     If you are interested in taking part in this camp, please prayerfully consider your role and availability.  Your first step will be to fill-out the required application form. In addition to serving at camp daily, we are requiring Team Leaders to participate in a mandatory training program immediately prior to camp.  Power Camp Team Leader training  meeting will be Sunday, June 2nd at 12:30pm. This year’s process will be highly competitive and we are seeking leaders that are well disciplined, enthusiastic and of all ages.  The recommendation form can either be mailed with your application or mailed separately.  Both forms are available online.  Please fill-out this form A.S.A.P. as the number of available counselors may affect the size of our camp.  Once you are approved to serve, further information will be sent to you, including the Bible studies that you will lead.  Any person who has the desire to share Christ with children can serve as a team leader.  We are not looking for the best athletes, but the best servants!

Please select all that apply.
Power Camp is a non-profit ministry, volunteers who serve at Power Camp may receive a donation in the form of financial support provided to their Youth Account.  A Youth Account is an account created for any Youth Group participant who volunteers at any of our fundraisers.  This account can be accessed for many of our Youth Group events and activities, including Teen Week and Winter Weekends.  This account remains active until graduation.

Donation amount for Power Camp will be based on available funds, experience, time and commitment of Team Leaders at Power Camp and distributed on the discretion of the Camp Director.
Personal Information

Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Elective Options

Each Team Leader will assist a qualified coach in the sports clinics or help with the teachers in charge of Arts/Crafts and Drama electives. Please indicate your preferences for assisting during clinic time (1 hour/day):
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Extended-Day Option (Pool Time)

As part of our camp options, we offer campers the opportunity to stay for an extended time of swimming at the pool (or movie/Gym time if it is raining).  Team Leaders are encouraged to stay and be a part of this option, provided they assist
Church Service

Athletic or other applicable experiences

Statement of Applicant's Christian Faith

POWER CAMP is a ministry of Mount Bethel Church and, as such, holds to the teachings and values of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren.  By signing below, you acknowledge that you are in agreement with the Lutheran Brethren's Statement of Faith and any teachings or issues which arise as a result of conflicts with this statement, may need to be addressed by the Camp Director.
Please select all that apply.
Christian Reference

Please provide a Christian reference with whom you have had enough contact within the past two years to make an adequate assessment of your character.
Background Check

Please answer each question.  Please explain your answer if directed to do so.  You need not disclose information that is contained in sealed or expunged records if you live in a state that exempts you from the disclosure of such information.  You need not answer question 3 if you live in a state whose laws exempt you from disclosure of arrest information.  **IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY 16 OR UNDER, SIMPLY CHOOSE THE THIRD OPTION**

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Applicant's Statement

I hereby authorize all employers, organizations, churches, and other entities and persons identified in this form to release any information contained in their files or records concerning me.
In consideration of the receipt and evaluation of this application by Mount Bethel Church, I hereby release Mount Bethel Church, Tuscarora and any individual, church, youth organization, charity, employer, reference, or any other person or organization, including record custodians, both collectively and individually, from any and all liability for damages of whatever kind or nature which may at any time result to me, my heirs, or family, on account of compliance or any attempts to comply, with this authorization.  I waive any right that I may have to inspect any information provided about me by any person or organization identified by me in this application.  I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THE FOREGOING RELEASE AND KNOW THE CONTENTS THEREOF, AND I SIGN THIS RELEASE AS MY OWN FREE ACT.

I understand and agree that it is critical to the mission and ministry of Mount Bethel Church’s Power Camp that all employees and volunteers conform to the highest standards of safety, interpersonal conduct, and sexual morality. I affirm that I will strictly comply with Power Camp’s youth ministry policies and procedures, including those concerning child safety and protection, sexual abuse and misconduct, and interpersonal relationships.  I understand and agree that failure by me to abide by such policies and procedures may result in my immediate dismissal, or disciplinary action, all in the discretion of representatives of Mount Bethel Church and Tuscarora.
My responses above are truthful and accurate.  I understand and agree that if they are not truthful or accurate, Mount Bethel Church may determine that I am no longer qualified to be associated with its programs as an employee or volunteer, in any capacity.

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
If you are under 18, please provide the name and email of your parent or guardian.  A digital form will be sent to the email provided. Your application will not be accepted until your parent/guardian provides their signature.


June 3rd-6th
This application form is for a Team Leader position at POWER CAMP, June 3rd-6th. Any person(s) desiring to serve at camp and having completed 7th grade or higher MUST complete this form. This form MUST be completed by the APPLICANT and CANNOT be completed by a parent, sibling, friend or person other than the applicant.